Sometimes God throws us a fastball, when we are not expecting it, it can put us into a whirlwind of emotions.
On Saturday the day after my Husbands 59th Birthday, we got up early and went for a swim, Then out for our favorite meal “Breakfast”. It was about 10:30 am and we were driving to the Mall to pick something up, my hubby said “I am not feeling well, I kind of feel funny” Then he got the burps and the hiccups!
“Well do you want to go home” I asked., “ No” he said “lets go pick up what we need, I will come in and sit on the bench in the mall, and wait for you”
So we did and I walked up to the cash register I looked over and saw Steve and he was waving to me to hurry up! When I got to him, he said “we have to go” he continued “I think I am having a heart attack.”
I drove him to the Emergency Clinic, and he was in a bed within minutes of us arriving.
When they confirmed it was a heart attack, they drove us to the Royal Alec Hospital in the ambulance, and they did an angioplasty procedure on his heart.
WHACK---the fastball just hit me!
Who do I call, what do I do?, What if I lose him? “this can’t be really happening?, feelings of being lost, looking around and seeing nothing familiar, sitting in a chair in the Family waiting room, waiting for what? For good news? For bad news? Will I ever hear his voice again? Will I be able to hold him again?
Expectations ,and Unexpected events have shown me how much I really do lean on our Father in Heaven, and how little I really do surrender.
I did not and was not ready to give my Steve back to God.
There were lots of conversations between God and I on that topic.
Finally about 4 days ago, (almost 7 weeks after his heart-attack) in the middle of the night, I whispered to God “OK Let your will be done” . I rolled over and went to sleep. Tough lessons, in tough times. I always have said, I learn the hard way.
In Romans 5:3-4 ( NIV) Paul wrote, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know they are good for us- they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us and character strengthens our confident expectation of Salvation.”
When you face adversity, be encouraged, hope is on its way.
When you face adversity, be encouraged, hope is on its way.
My Husband is recovering at home and is doing very well.
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