Life in the Fast Lane
A journey overflowing with speed bumps, cliffs, mountains, hills and sometimes even u-turns.
Come and join me as we travel through life, as we share our dreams, even our lost dreams.
Let's chat about God's amazing Love and how that effects our path we walk.
Let's help each other through this bizarre thing called menopause, with honesty,
humor and of course with our tears.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why Me Lord?

Why does this happen to us women?
Why not to the Men?
Why when I sneeze, some of my bladder contents escape on to my dry underwear?
Why is the office window open, as I type this? (it is 7 degrees out)
Why is there no sleep?
Why do I get so frustrated so fast?
Why do I have no energy?

Although Menopause is not a fatal condition and there are a lot worse things out in the world that happen to people, this still affects us, and the people we love, and sometimes even people we do not even know.

Last Sunday on the back of our Bulletin was the following poem.

“I keep busy through the daytime hours,
Trying hard, to live by God's Holy Word;
Trails and Burdens, somehow come,
It's then, I tend to ask, “Why me, Lord?”

The mountain is difficult for me to climb,
But, I'll climb and obey God's word;
He promised to never leave me,
So, why do I ask, “Why me. Lord?”

His word is a lamp unto my feet,
Sharper than any two-edge sword;
It is a light unto my path, and so,
I must not question, “Why me Lord?”

God will not give more than I can bear,
I must keep my Faith strong in his word;
Jesus endured shame, pain, suffering and death,
I must no longer ask, “Why me Lord?”

Leona I. Miller

The passage below, was given to me by my Pastor when I was having difficulties  handling my Mother and her Alzheimer's.

“There are secret things that belong to the Lord our God, but the revealed things belong to us and our descendants forever, so that we may obey these words of the Law”
Deuteronomy 30:29 NLT

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Tired, worn out, exhausted, drained, sound familiar!

I go to bed, wide, awake, NO I am really tired! Why am I tossing and turning and not sleeping?
I eventually fall asleep, I wake up! its 2:00 am Oh goodie!
toss, turn, fall asleep, wake-up its now 3:00 am...
Oh Father of Israel please let me sleep more than one hour at a time.

Eye lids are feeling heavy its happening, I am going back to sleep!
wake up....turn to the clock..4:45am
Ahh God did answer my prayer & God does have a good sense of humor, although I am not appreciating it at this moment!

In all my reading about Menopause getting enough sleep is essential.
its a vicious circle, I am tired, and maybe I don't react  to situations as I should.
I am tired so I have ZERO patience.
I am tired therefore I am grumpy!
I am tired therefore I should sleep!! NOT, Not happening..

I have found a couple of things that have helped my sleeping situation.
I am taking a herbal product called "Nutrafem". (in no means am I selling or promoting this product, it just works for me)
I also try and go to bed at the same time every night, and I read for 30 minutes or so, turn out the lights, say good night to our Heavenly Father, insert my earplugs (they work) close my eyes and try to go to sleep..(Lord willing)
For some reason the earplugs have been helping me sleep, it quiets my mind as well as all the household noises.

I will leave you with one of my favorite verses Matthew 12: 28-30

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, I will give you rest. Take my yolk upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yolk fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light"   NLV